Showing posts with label Switch Ur Brand To Longrich And Earn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Switch Ur Brand To Longrich And Earn. Show all posts

Thursday, October 28, 2021

How To Join Longrich

HOW TO REGISTER IN LONGRICH 1. Using the price list, choose products worth the entry level PV of your choice as shown below. Choose any of the package you can afford and join us in Longrich The company's entry levels which are these. A. *Starter combo* Minimum PV required 4 Estimate amount 14000 naira. Earn 3600 on your 1st generation downlines. 900 on 2nd generation and 1900 on your 3rd generation. B. *Q-Silver* Minimum PV required: 60 Estimated amount 50,000 naira Earning: 8% weekly on PV referrals C. *Silver level*110,000 Minimum PV required: 120 Estimated amount: naira Earning: 8% weekly on PV referrals D. *Gold level*180,000 Minimum PV required: 240 Estimated amount: naira Earning: 10% weekly on PV referrals E. *Platinum level* Minimum PV required: 720 Estimated amount: 448,000 naira Earning: 12% weekly on PV referrals F. *VIP level* Minimum PV required: 1,680 Estimated amount: 1,050,000 naira Earning: 12% weekly on PV referrals plus 1% monthly (global profit share for shareholders only) *LONGRICH REG. DETAILS* Applicant's Surname: Gender: Phone no: City/State: Date of birth: Name of bank: Acc holders name: Acct no: Use this code as your Sponsors Code: NG03079874 or NG03238348 *ALL PAYMENT FOR REGISTRATION GOES DIRECTLY INTO LONGRICH ACCO *ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS SELECT THE PACKAGE OF YOUR CHOICE AND SEND YOUR MONEY TO LONGRICH ACCOUNT 👇👇* *ZENITH BANK* *1012908177* *LONGLIQI INT' Then contact me +2347067396470 whatsapp me or call me. Please don't use any other person's code apart from mine. Please make sure you use my code don't be deceived by the person registering you please., pub-8378155817078058, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0