Saturday, September 11, 2021

There are 3 categories of people involved in this business *Consumers*. These are people that are only interested in buying and using the products. They register as members and buy the products for their personal/family use. The benefit is that they are buying at distributor price not retail price. *Retailer*. These people are only interested in buying and selling of the products. They register as members, buy products at distributors price and sell to the public at retail (or their suitable) prices. The benefit is that they make their profit. That is, the difference between their selling price and purchase price. *Networker*. These people join the company by buying and using the products, share their testimonies and invite other people to join the business. They become a team where together each achieves more. The advantage of this category over the previous two is that this is where you can take full advantage of benefits (bonus, traveling, car fund, housing fund, scholarship etc) offered by the company. Longrich only pay you bonus if you have minimum of 2 performing legs. Therefore, it is wise for consumers and retailers to register themselves or family members as the 2 legs on which to be buying products so that s/he can be earning bonus. *Please note that there is always room for consumers and retailers to become investors when they are ready*

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